Fritz Lang's Metropolis is a must for any fans of international cinema, but be warned this movie needs to be prepared for. It's certainly not an "easy" film to watch. It's a silent science fiction film based on the screenplay by Thea von Harbou & Lang.
The movie takes a look at the class conflict, but to interpret it the way it has been is certainly unique. There are plenty of biblical references in the movie, there's also a mad scientist who creates a robot. Then there's always the montage used in this film...
The movie is path breaking for it's theme, execution, price, topics, soci-political class conflicts, multiple narratives and much much more. The original was pegged at 153 minutes but this is cut down to 124minutes and there's a lot of loss of narrative. Note: The movie was made in 1927.
Recomendation level: 5/5. This movie is worth every last grey cell you might posses after a hard days work. It's available in a select places only so go find it now! Work of Art.
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