Day 2 of the Guy Ritchie "fest" of sorts, this one is also features a ton of characters but this time he's got known faces to back them up. Well "known" now anyway. So the basic premise has Jason Statham looking to fix up a boxing match for a pig feeding mafioso called the Governor. His boxer ends up getting destroyed by a pikey called Mickey and he ends up taking him for the next fight, which Mickey is supposed to throw, but he doesn't.
In between all of this is Frankie "Four Fingers" who ends up stealing a massive diamond but ends up giving into his biggest greed - Gambling. He's tracked down by Boris the Blade who employs 2 pawn shop brokers. There's also Vinnie Jones thrown in as the proverbial gun for hire/bounty hunter, with the cool dialogues. If Quentin Tarantino was British then he'd be Guy Ritchie.
There's plenty of sub plots and minor characters thrown all around. There's one close up on Brad Pitt's face after he sees the burning trailer and that is one of the most under-rated and powerful moments in the film. It's one of the few places where literally the anger is visible at first and then slowly fades away into nothingness of the face. Just for that alone Mr. Ritchie gets a better rating this time around. The film is also firmly entrenched in London, 2 remarks - Benicio del Toro sports a weird accent and the camera angles used for him look straight out of Fear & Loathing in Las Vegas and secondly - Brad Pitt looks like he strolled a bit off from the sets of Fight Club onto this one!
Most of the support cast is strong as can be expected, there's a bountiful of cool dialogues and various shenanigans thrown in to keep people hooked and I can completely understand the cult status that Guy Ritchie commands now. I am just not sure how important this film is in terms of cinematic quality.
Recommendation level: 3/5 - Told you he gets a better rating this time around! Tomorrow will be Revolver, once again thanks to a friend for lending me these films. If you're a Guy Ritchie fan, it's a straight up 5/5!
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