What more to say about this film than hasn't already been written! THIS IS SPARTAAA.
Ok aside from that, everyone knows this film is based on the 300 brave Spartan soldiers who fight crushing odds to hold off the Persian army led by King Xerxes. Leonidas as a true king leads from the front and fights right until the end, making a statement even before his life comes to a close.
The entire film is one massive instructional video as to why you need to join a gym and get into shape. The performances are stand out and the film is overtly loud at places. Pretty much a film you want to see if the girl loves Gerard Butler and 300 semi-naked 6 pack sporting Spartans!
You get to see a wide variety of weapons being used and of course a wide variety of warriors in action as well. There's also the whole East vs West angle and the lovely women of Sparta too!
Recommendation level: 2/5 if you love cinema you can still like this! If you love action films; 5/5!
instructional video yes, it's also a motivational video :) good movie tho :)