This film was a little hyped for me by a friend and so I was naturally compelled to take a look at this film. It's quite a minimalistic film in which Johnny Depp plays William Blake, a man who comes into Injun country to make a living to find himself out of a job in the first place by a very well placed Robert Mitchum (in his final role ever). Eventually he manages to get into a world of trouble as he finds himself hunted by 3 bounty hunters, prime among them is Lance Henriksen's cannibalistic character.
Proceeding with the story, Blake encounters a native Indian who has been on the receiving end of a harsh life - exploited by the white man he hails his new found partner as a re-incarnation of the famous poet.
The movie has a very entrancing Neil Young on his electric guitar and the background score keeps you well entertained throughout. To see the accountant Blake go on to becoming a gun slinger is almost hilarious and comical at times, not to say that it's badly executed, if anything the film is quite an anti-western in that sense. There's a lot of play on words and there's also the poetic language of Blake used to full effect. Then there's Jarmusch's style.
Needless to say, this film was very engaging and from what I've read on this film - very detailed about the lifestyle of the Injuns. Watch out for Alfred Molina's role as the Pastor!
Recommendation level: 3.5/5 - It's a little too long in places, and it could have been a little made a bit tighter. Depp's good as usual but nothing extra ordinary, he's surrounded by a really strong cast and director.
speaking of disquieting anti-westerns, have you reviewed 'the proposition' yet?