Guy Ritchie week, I forgot to write this last night. Anyway - the movie is simple in its out look that 4 blokes (each skilled in their own small way) are conned at a card game and must now pay half a million of pounds if they want to retain their lives and appendages.
In between all of this is a a drug baron whose private stash of cannabis has been robbed by a set of greedy crooks who have been buyers at some point. There's also the 'cleaner' who moves around with his son, there's also the Porn King to whom the 4 mates have to pay up within a week. There are also some small time crooks who had to steal some expensive muskets but didn't.
All of these explosive elements come together which seems like almost a familiar finale. I haven't seen this film earlier so it was a treat watching it, even though it gets a little patchy in parts. There's some debate about how good it is but I think it's stylish in the most commercial manner and absorbing only if you love the emphasis on characterization. There are some good shots in the film particularly of the close ups used, but their too far and wide and end up getting lost somewhere between the power of the plot and style.
However, props to most of the actors used - they do what their called for and exceed at it by very far.
Recommendation level: 2/5 - It's good in parts and overall engaging but nothing really path breaking, excessive reliance on violence and "bad ass" dialogues to carry this movie forward. Props to a friend of mine for the movie, remember no downloading illegally!
i liked Kaminey more. /troll