Paul Anderson has made some mistakes in his career most notably Aliens vs Predators or Soldier. But then the promise he showed with his first film Shopping seems to have all disappeared, for the remainder of his career he seems to grasp at bigger budgets instead of focusing on the elements that make Cinema... Cinema.
Event Horizon has Sam Neill as the mentally unstable Dr. Weir who created a ship that could travel through Space and Time, bending laws of physics (literally) to access any point in the known galaxy. When it goes missing for 7 years and suddenly resurfaces it's up to Laurence Fishburnes' motley crew aboard the Louise and Clark to find out how things got messed up. As they slowly find themselves losing their minds they also lose their original ship and are forced to deal with the now enigmatic Dr. Weir and his lovely ship.
The ship as it turns out as been out of the boundaries of "normal" space and time and as a result could have been in a hellish dimension.
Sam Neill and Laurence Fishburne do a really good job in what would be one of my favorite space suvival horror films in a long time. Sure the dialogues get a little patchy at times but there's nothing scarier than Sam Neill delivering his dialogues in such menace that you do get reminded of his Damian (read: Omen III) days. The rest of the supporting cast does its job although some of them aren't as memorable as the others.
Recommendation level: 2.5/5 - "You can't leave... She won't let you". Watched this from a friends DVD.
they should remake this movie, methinks. Maybe an Aronofsky take on it?