Crap, I've forgot to watch films this week, but fear not I managed to lay my hands on a chunk of them so expect a river of reviews in November.
Romero's third film in his now 6 part franchise of sorts called, "...The Dead" series. While his previous films in this tackle race (Night of the Living Dead) & consumerism (Land of the Dead) this one is a vicious take on the military and what happens in the context of a zombie holocaust. The actors aren't any famous folk, but have claimed cult status thanks to their work in Romero's films. This one is no different.
What sets Romero's films from the rest? Even in this day and age his Diary of the Dead is probably miles ahead of most Zombie movies we see day in and day out. On a very simple level he brings out the best in his characters and their slow degradation as human beings, there's not much room for melodrama but there's room for emotions. That's where he is King and no one can come even close.
The plot has the Army and a group of scientists working closely together to find a cure for the flesh eating zombies. There's a break down and the soldiers assume the right of might, while the scientists continue to get ruled over, not everyone can keep their sanity till the end.
Recommendation level: 3.5/5 - This is one of Romero's finest.
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