I am sure there's a lot been already said and written about Kubrick's war movie, in fact every great film maker or someone who has had some kind of connection with greatness and cinema needs to have attempted a war movie at some point.
The film is based on a U.S. General, during the height of the cold war decides to launch an all out nuclear aerial assault against mother Russia. Soon enough the President and all the important heads in the government begin sweating it out to possibly try and save the world from the Russian fail safe - The Doomsday Device.
While the plot is of almost no consequence since the film is a heavy and vicious attack against the Cold War and all the people associated with it. There's no point in trying to poke jokes at the names since Kubrick is very much in control of this film. There's several takes on the British, the Americans, Russians, Nazis and even the fool hardy war loving people. Most of all there's the funny rant about Coca Cola. What's crazier the Cold War or the people behind it?
Am sure there's been plenty of people who have already dissected this movie bit by bit, so all I can say is you need to watch this film when you get a chance. Peter Sellers is excellent in this film, might I add.
Recommendation level: 4/5 - Very purposefully executed. Must watch!
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