Haha, if you were one of the people who liked this film, obviously it should be a no brainer that you're either 12 years old or you are still stuck mentally at being 12. This was probably one of the worst films I've seen till date. Ah yes, snuggly creatures that looked like over sized Sesame Street characters (that was an intentional comment) give me a break, these guys are probably someone whom even Jason from Friday the 13th wouldn't want to snuggle up with.
So the premise yeah - kid wants attention, said attention whore kid runs to a magical land (maybe he just had a shroom eh?) and encounters giant furballs who somehow teach him how much a family matters.
Spike Jonze - I hope you hate this film yourself, I hope the money was worth it.
The adaptation isn't even that great, even a hardcore fan of the book admitted that it goes off on a tangent. Even the kid is annoying.
Recommendation level: 1/5 - Haha I couldn't put it below The Hills have Eyes, now can I?
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