A wonderful way to finish off the week, watch Shoot 'Em Up starring Clive Owen as the mysterious Smith. There's also Monica Bellucci for the sex and Paul Giamatti's Mr. Hertz for the bad guys role. The film is completely meant for guys and I don't think any pink loving girl is going to find the humour or the purpose of this film. The great part is - there isn't any purpose to this film!
There's only action, a wafer thin plot line which is as outrageous as the style in which Mr Hertz is killed towards the end of the film. Meh - the VCD is such horrid quality though - miss whatever funny one liners they have to throw at each other from time to time. So as a warning make sure you watch this film on some really good speakers/headsets.
There's nothing much really left to say, just watch out for the few quirky situations the film throws at you and the in your face action that should have been probably more censored than the scenes for which Ms Bellucci was selected for. Oh from the actors - Paul Giamatti & Clive Owen have such a unique chemistry, despite their roles they leave a lasting impression on you.
Recommendation level: 1/5 - LOL It's great but am not retarded, cinematically nothing bla bla. Action fans - 5/5.
good to see the action fans rating :-)