This film sucked, Travolta is old, Denzel looks tired and the directors pace is caught somewhere in between. The plot isn't the best but it's workable in parts, Travolta is an old school Wall Street guy going beserk after serving some time and he takes over a rail car which stars off from Pelham Bay at 12:23. Denzel Washington is under investigation after allegedly taking a bribe to endorse a Japanese brand of rail car manufacturers.
In the end the film is as tired and hackeneyed as any film can be, something about Tony Scott that makes him one of the most boring directors of recent times despite using Denzel Washington in several films! Just skip it if you can, I feel gutted for watching it in the cinema hall but don't make the same mistake. Watch it at home if you really have nothing else to watch.
Recommendation level: 0/5 - Bye, good night.