Saturday, July 18, 2009

Crank by Mark Neveldine and Brian Taylor

Category: English

Bit of a shame that it took 2 people to direct this movie.

The movie stars Jason Statham as a hitman who needs to keep his adrenaline flowing or his heart will stop beating. He sets out for revenge and that's about the whole film.

Statham is believable as the hitman who is about to die, and Amy Smart obviously made it on the starring list because of the sex scene.

Recommendation level: 1/5 - If you want mindless action with a few chuckles on a tiring Saturday night then it's probably a 5/5.


  1. Haha, for me it's a 5/5 as you said, it rocks every tiring Saturday. Specially when he has sex with his wife in the middle of China Town - EPIC :D In addition I really like the actor Jason Statham who just did well in the latest Transporter movie.

  2. statham is hand down one of the coolest actors atm. kinda has that same feeling to him like bruce willis had at his prime.

    and about crank, if you're not looking for any deeper meaning for it all this movie kicks ass!

  3. I have to agree with what you boys said. I heard they took the sex scene in the second film onto a race course while a derby was in progress...
