For today & tomorrow am going to review two chick flicks, the first one is directed by Anne Fletcher and has Sandra Bullock returning to what she does best - sappy chick flicks. This time armed with botox in her buttocks and face and every part of skin that is exposed on screen. The movie has Sandra Bullock playing a really tight ass books/novels editor and Ryan Reynolds playing her assistant whom she always torments along with the rest of the office.
The acting is pretty okay - Ryan Reynolds is Berg Bergman from Two guys a girl and a pizza place (well he's been the same since then and in every other picture he has 'acted' in). Sandra Bullock' botox acts more than she does! There's a funny dog moment and that's all the film has, very lost moments.
The good news is, the supporting cast - primarily the grandmother is reasonable and thus doesn't make you go mad! But aside from that there's nothing new here barring the concept in general. I have to say though the emotions aren't even conveyed in this film, really disappointing the drama is fake and there aren't enough anti-Canadian jokes to make this movie palatable.
Recommendation level: 1/5 - It's not that bad! LIES it is. Saw this on the plane.
oh dude, am sad, that you just gave it 1 out of 5, I really liked that movie :c